
Ok I tried this a few years ago and it never took off.  So like most things it takes more than one hit over the head before we – ahem, I – pay attention. So here we go again.  My intention is that this is a creative space where I can be in the practice of expression – myself, my poetry, my thoughts, my many identities, possibilities – and to test and put things out in the world.  So let’s see what wants to emerge through this!

I am going to open with a poem I wrote about just this…

Words Wanting Expression

Words wanting expression

Tipping over tea cups to get attention

Hiding and poking noses through

Couch cushions

Spilled midnight ink across white paper

Silk slippery, snagging time

The child refuses to grow


I take time off and let it slip to the floor like lingerie

Hours lay strewn about the bedroom

Fear like weeds sprout under the sheets

And tie me down fighting for the sun

They own the footsteps, the hairbrushes and the toys

Told they would be better put away

Healing notes hold the space for


Extensions stretch loud into the fire

Across the room

All codes broken and barren

Red, yellow blue wanting to know what they will become

Held constant

Stitched and mended

Exploded mines burn

And she dances secretly in the kitchen.